Hello E.
thuis time i must tell you that your speculaitions is braingosts, if you understand, as ongoing JW i can tell you that we have 2 ours beetwen the programs to talk, and then the evnings on the summerassambleys.
So this time you are missing the goal.
As England will do on Sunday,
NEVER HEARD OF Ibrahimovich,on sunday evning you will now.
A loot of greatings from SWEDEN.
happy man
JoinedPosts by happy man
Don't Walk..Don't Talk..
by Englishman inim just throwing this one into the ring to see what you think.
i know the wtbts are always beating the drum about not forsaking the gathering of ourselves together as some have the custom, but do they really want jws actually talking with one another when they arent around to monitor the conversation?.
if you think about it, jws would appear to have had their opportunities for social intercourse severely curtailed.
happy man
Children, Advice, Agency and $$$$$$$
by Lee Elder inthe watchtower society has occupied an enormously important place in the lives of millions.
i believe this is especially true for those raised in the religion.
based on the wts published statements, the teaching of wts representatives and their parents, jw children are methodically indoctrinated to believe that the watchtower is god's organization - his channel for communicating with mankind.
happy man
Very good post lee.
this is a problem who I have been thinking abaout a lot.
I have growing upp inn the religion and understand what you are talking about, I think this downlooking to children is something very old inn the religion, i read the book from Rutherford from the 1942, as named children , ther you can read that it is now time to get children, not even to married,.
As a child i remember that some CO was wery negative too children, and we hade too bee very perfekt. When i grow upp to an young man, I was not piojiring, i was working in my faders firm, nor so good, even if i always doing my 10 to 20 ours, But we have one CO who was wery nice to children and give us who was yuongsters bigg support.
I think this thing is better now, and it was inn the 1950 centuri.
when I was an elder i was always give support for the young peopel.
Thanks for bringing this topic upp, hope you understand my badenglish. -
I Won't Bite...
by Englishman insomeone wants to talk to me on the phone.
someone who is calling from overseas!.
on several occasions, my phone has rung a couple of times, and then ceased its noise before i can pick up the receiver.
happy man
dreams my friend drems, if we will be realistic, isnt 0-0,a good result for both team?
I dont think they have the currige to play so offensive in the first game.
I think it will bee tuff for sweden and england too beat Nigeria and surtenly Argentina, it is to tecknical teams i think, so we see , but i am not so optimistic. -
Spanking WT in Benton KY
by silentlambs inwell we did it, 45 people were present for the first candle light vigil for silentlambs around the world.
holly and heather berry were there along with many other victims who told stories, sung songs, and recited poems that were self composed to help them deal with abuse issues.
there were many touching moments where you could feel the heartbreak and pain suffered by the expressions made.
happy man
Hmmmmmm,i think they now is near to fulfill Matt,24: 48-49,
as I say , do we have wolfs inn our leadership?
And if so, who is the leading man? -
I Won't Bite...
by Englishman insomeone wants to talk to me on the phone.
someone who is calling from overseas!.
on several occasions, my phone has rung a couple of times, and then ceased its noise before i can pick up the receiver.
happy man
min 35, 1-0, alexandersson
Min 44, 1-1 , owen
min 88 , 2-1 ljungbergSORRY
I Won't Bite...
by Englishman insomeone wants to talk to me on the phone.
someone who is calling from overseas!.
on several occasions, my phone has rung a couple of times, and then ceased its noise before i can pick up the receiver.
happy man
Ha, ha, ha, ha, a, aaaaaaaaaaa.
Well, i think something more important i think, do you now who will give you the feling of loosing, i think Henrik larsson from celtic, sorry for you, happy for mee.
Or purhaps the golden boy, from arsenal. -
X-JWs Who are now bible Christians
by clash_city_rockers inhi folks,.
i'm just sort of taking role call to all those x-dubs who are now brothers and sisters in christ.
i think it is wise for us to rise up and be counted so that we know who each other are.
happy man
How can you guys going from Jw to this new born C,if i understand it they belive inn hell fire, and are very nationalistic, like , we all love our nation and we see nothing wrong inn going to wietnam to defend our country, or nothing wrong to putt bombs on Irak who killd smal children.
as i say unbelevebel.
I will listen to you explanations widh bigg intresst. -
I Won't Bite...
by Englishman insomeone wants to talk to me on the phone.
someone who is calling from overseas!.
on several occasions, my phone has rung a couple of times, and then ceased its noise before i can pick up the receiver.
happy man
Hello Englishman.
I must tell you that inn 10 days i realy live upp to my name happy man, do you now WHY? -
To All Faithful Jehovah's Witnesses...
by cyrano inhey non_trias_theos, protector of all that's holy, please explain why the watchtower 'slept' with the 'wild beast' united nations for almost ten years and continues to lie about it even now.. watchtower is lying about u.n. involvement.
"our purpose for registering with the department of public information as a nongovernmental organization (ngo) in 1991 was to have access to research material available on health, ecological, and social problems at the united nations library facilities.
we had been using the library for many-years prior to 1991, but in that year it became necessary to register as an ngo to have continued access.
happy man
I think they doing this beaucause they want help from UN, to protect JW in countries wher we are badley treted, when i see the new video abaout Jw Rusia it was several experrts who wac testifing even from UN.
it is wrong to use all avalibel power to protect JW in countries ther we are very badley treted, now is my answer, even if you see hypocrite inn this, i think the purpus to prtect our brothers and sisters is more important.
So for mee and I think several other who is JW this is not so bigg thing, teocratic warfare if you want, widh a good purpus.
But I dont like that they dont tell how it is,, it is more bad.
And like some here say, perhaps Bowen is cleaning the thempel.
I think this abuse thing is fare more bad. -
Was russel Fremason?
by happy man ini find this on unother board and i think it proof realy good that russel dont was a mason.. "there is no evidence that the 1913 discourse was an attempt to lay an issue at rest.
there is no evidence that it was.
thought that russell was a mason at the time.
happy man
I find this on unother board and i think it proof realy good that russel dont was a Mason.
"There is no evidence that the 1913 discourse was an attempt to lay an issue at rest. There is no evidence that it was
thought that Russell was a Mason at the time. If Russell wanted to lay an issue at rest the talk would have apperared in
The Watch Tower. Russell certainly did not write a book called "The Temple". Your suggesting that he did indicates to
me that you rely entirely on secondary material and have not examined Russell´s writings carefully yourself. By the way I
gave the wrong date for his talk - my memory served me wrong. Actually the talk was given on Monday, June 16,
1913. Russell was on a tour in the West. He had given a talk in San Diego on June 14 and another one in Santa Ana on
June 15. He travelled to Portland, Oregon on June 17. There was a three days convention in San Fransisco and the hall
that was rented was owned by the Masons. This fact and nothing else seems to be the reason for his talk on "The
Temple of God". Renting masonic halls was not uncommon as such sometimes were the best halls, if not the only ones,
available. In Sweden to this day a number of masonic halls are rented by the public for all kinds of activities, simply
because they are good halls. Russell would talk to all kinds of audiences trying to spread his message and in doing so
trying to reason from the listeners´ perspective. Now my friend, Russell specifically DENIED ever having been a Mason
in his talk aimed at the Masons. He did not admit that he was one or had been one. Make sure you have what Russell
actually said and did not say!I understand you did not mean "three worlds" to refer to the three world wars you say were written about by Pike.
However, Russell still did not relate to what Pike may have stated. And his knowledge in advance was very deficient to
say the least. If you had read what Russell wrote on world conditions in every issue of his journal, you would see for
yourself that Russell´s views were based on anything but secret conspiracies.I mentioned Voltaire because he was an antisemite connected with Weisshaupt. The Rothschilds in Frankfurt were not
atheists but supporters of the ORTHODOX movement challenging the liberal one that held sway. In the end they won!
It is difficult to imagine that the Rothscilds should further a cause that was so foreign to the Jewish thinking of their
Rabbis and antisemitic at that! And The Rothschilds had not risen to any particular prominence when Weishaupt was
living, so he could hardly rely on them or draw them into any conspiracy. But I will certainly do careful research on the
Rothschilds, which I had planned to do for other reasons anyway. I surely fail to see, anyway, why the zionist
movement must be part of a conspiracy. And Russell was but one of many who was interested in zionism at the time. If
you have not read ARMAGEDDON NOW! by Dwight Wilson (1991) you will find lots of relevant information in it.It was Russell´s sister Margaret Russell Land who stated in 1907 (documented!) that she, Charles Taze, their father and
others were baptized in 1874. For young Charles this would hardly be necessary if his religious activities were merely a
fasade for his true dedication to a secret conspiracy. For as a child he must have been "baptized", being born into a
presbyterian family. Margaret says Russell was 17 when his eyes were "anointed" By God. No angelic visits mentioned
anywhere. Since Russell was only 24 years old when he met Barbour he certainly could not have known of a
conspiracy "several decades" previously. That would have been before his birth!I also want to comment on the date of his death, October 31. You indicate that the fact that this was Halloween was
significant. But people seldom choose the day they die, do they? If he had died on good Friday, would that had made
Russell more palatable? Lots of people die on October 31.Russell did not arrange for a pyramid to stand on the Society´s burial ground. It is not mentioned in his Will. It was not
built until a few years later, which would be unthinkable if it had been his idea.Russell consistently wrote against Christians supporting the Masons and other secret orders. The most natural
explanation is that he meant what he wrote and that, hence, he was not a mason, just as he at least twice stated he had
never been. To this day the Society is opposed to membership of secret lodges. There are example of this given in the
literature and I personally know one case myself. A successful saleman I know had to give up all ties to the Odd
Fellows before he could be accepted for baptism. He made a deal with his former friends that he would never reveal
what he had experienced and he says he would not dare to do so.It was good that you expanded on what you consider evidence for Russell´s secret agenda. I will check on it, but
without SOLID PROOF from some letter or membership lists what you state remains unconvincing.I may write you directly. It seems nobody else will enter the discussions anyway."
If you will read more of this go to canal C and read the disscussion beetwen Rud Persson and Fat jack.